Stosunek Polaków do Unii Europejskiej a ich udział w wyborach do Parlamentu Europejskiego
Journal Title: Studia Wyborcze - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue
The following article introduces the problem of the attitude of Poles towards the European Union (EU) in the context of their electoral activity. The elections in Poland are characterized by, among others, relatively low voter turnout. There are many different factors to such state of affairs. Nevertheless, the emphasis ought to be put on the election to the European Parliament, as the voter turnout in this particular election in Poland is one of the lowest in the whole EU. It is even more surprising given the fact that the vast majority of Poles declare their support for Poland’s presence in the EU and, despite the refugee crisis and Brexit, still perceive it as one of the priorities in Poland’s foreign policy.
Authors and Affiliations
Katarzyna Maciejewska-Mieszkowska
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