Стовбурова нематода Bursaphelenchus mucronatus як чинник всихання хвойних дерев у Карпатах і Поліссі [The pine wood nematode Bursaphelenchus mucronatus as the primary cause of the needle trees drying disease in Carpathians and Polissia]
Journal Title: Наукові праці Лісівничої академії наук України - Year 2016, Vol 14, Issue
An actuality of the investigations upon pine wood nematodes is caused by considerable drying disease of the needle trees in Europe. It begins in 1999 in Portugal, where the mass drying of Pinus pinaster was caused by adventive pine wood nematode species Bursaphelenchus xylophilus. The vitality of parasitary biotic system with the pine wood nematodes is provided with the complex of conditions, such as presence of host tree; presence of transfer agents – the xylophagous insects, both with the nematodes; and their ability to full life cycle depending of the climatic conditions. There is pine wood nematode Bursaphelenchus mucronatus already found in the dying fir (Picea abies) and pine (Pinus sylvestris) trees in Carpathians and Polissia regions of Ukraine. Its most probable transferring agents there are longicorn beetles (Cerambycidae) of the genus Monochamus: M. galloprovincialis, M. saltuarius, M. sartor, M. sutor. Another xylophagous beetles of Cerambycidae, Buprestidae, Curculionidae might be transferring agents too. Our investigations based on the analysis of separate model trees show, that the pine wood nematode B. mucronatus is initial pest, which causes the drying disease of the tops of fir and pine trees in Carpathians and Polissia regions. There is the highest number of nematodes found within the wood trunk below area of the top drying. Sometimes there are bacteriphagous nematodes breeding in high number at the dead tops of tree, in fact that they are initial agents of the dead wood destruction both with bacteria. Proceeding from the fact, that there were not other patogenous organisms, such as fungi, xylophagous insects etc., which could caused the drying of the top of tree found, it is possible to maintain, that the drying disease of trees is initially processed by pine wood nematodes, especially B. mucronatus. There is diverse pattern of distribution of the drying disease of fir and pine trees in Carpathians and Polissia regions. In Carpathians, B. mucronatus occurs mostly in the fir monocultures on the area of mixed beech forests. There were relatively little number of host plants and Monochamus longicorn beetles in primary mixed forests, but situation became worse with forming there secondary fir forests as well as expansion of localities of drying disease of the trees, which are becoming a sources of further invasion of the pests. This situation caused almost 100%-level of infection adult Monochamus beetles by B. mucronatus. Recently the disease areas have been spreading onto most high elevations to the areas of natural primary fir forests, nearly to the upper tree line. It seems that the expansion of the pine wood nematodes there associated with significant warming of climatic conditions in upper mountain areas during the last decade. There is registered considerable increasing of temperatures and prolongation of vegetation periods, as well as decrease of snow cover at the winter and other anomalous weather phenomena. In the Polissia region the process of drying of the pine tree by invasion of pine wood nematode probably just begins. However, our results showed that there were 75% of drying trees infected by nematodes. Other trees were infected with parasitic fungi. In general, the recent situation with invasion of pine wood nematode indicates the row of theoretical and applied problems of forest management. The process of mass disease of fir monocultures in the area of mixed forests in Carpathians became to catastrophic scale. It shows that traditional forestry methods, such as continuous and elective sanitary felling are useless for the solving of the problem. It needs more wide scale measures based on state government solutions. The forest management based on ecosystem principles has to be theoretical ground for it, because only this approach could provide preserving of ecological potential and forming the stable forest ecosystems.
Authors and Affiliations
Mykola Kozlovsky
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