In vitro allergy diagnostics has been developing rapidly for several years. This mainly due to great progress that has
been made in the field of allergen synthesis, isolation and characterization. Application of in vitro...
The workplace can trigger rhinitis (work-exacerbated rhinitis) or induced the disease (occupational rhinitis). The
authors presented short review including definitions, etiopathogenesis, diagnostics, treatment, prophylax...
As they require the cooperation of the examiner and the patient, spirometry tests are among the most difficult types
of tests in medicine. The final results of the tests are influenced by various factors, including ones...
Strona Prezydenta PTA
XII Ogólnopolskie Sympozjum Immunoterapia Alergenowa 2019
Korzyści wynikające z zastosowania metod molekularnych in vitro w diagnostyce IgE-zależnych chorób alergicznych
In vitro allergy diagnostics has been developing rapidly for several years. This mainly due to great progress that has been made in the field of allergen synthesis, isolation and characterization. Application of in vitro...
Nieżyt nosa związany z pracą zawodową
The workplace can trigger rhinitis (work-exacerbated rhinitis) or induced the disease (occupational rhinitis). The authors presented short review including definitions, etiopathogenesis, diagnostics, treatment, prophylax...
Bariera wieku, bariera współpracy – na ile problem faktycznie tkwi po stronie badanego w spirometrii
As they require the cooperation of the examiner and the patient, spirometry tests are among the most difficult types of tests in medicine. The final results of the tests are influenced by various factors, including ones...