Structures of the services sector in Poland in 2009-2016

Journal Title: Problems of Economics and Law - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 1


Aim of the study: The aim of the article is to present the main changes in the basic structures characterizing the Polish service sector in 2009-2016. Material and methods: The figures are from statistical yearbooks of the Central Statistical Office of the Republic of Poland. The work uses comparative and descriptive analysis. Results: The following values and structures were analyzed: number of business entities regis-tered in the REGON system, employment and employment-related remuneration, and generated GDP. In the analyzed structures the G-section, i.e. a trade and car maintenance dominated definitely. Conclusions: In the analyzed structures here was also a tendency to increase the significance of sections providing services to meet the higher level needs (intellectual, informative, finan-cial), and the decrease in the importance of sections that provide living services (trade, accom-modation).<br/><br/>

Authors and Affiliations

Jarosław Mikołajczyk, Barbara Partyńska-Brzegowy


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How To Cite

Jarosław Mikołajczyk, Barbara Partyńska-Brzegowy (2018). Structures of the services sector in Poland in 2009-2016. Problems of Economics and Law, 1(1), 64-75.