Студентські історичні студії в Київському національному університеті імені Тараса Шевченка
Journal Title: Науковий вісник Чернівецького національного університету імені Юрія Федьковича. Історія - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue
The article deals with students scientific activities in Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University in times of Ukrainian independence. Students participation in scientific societies and conferences is covered. The authors give an emphasis on the students studies dependence of on a socio-political situation in Ukraine, interests of the ruling establishment, a particular students self-motivation. The universities encouraged stellar students to the scientific work, to proactive mastering of sciences, including historical ones. In Ukrainian historiography there is scarce information on university students scientific works. That is the reason to identify and analyze scientific articles and research of History students of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, highlight the features that were characteristic of students scientific works in the period of independent Ukraine. The students scientific activities developed in several directions writing term papers, Bachelors and Masters theses, participating in thematic groups, delivering reports and participating in conferences, writing scientific articles in academic journals. Professor G. D. Kazmyrchuk continued bringing together student-researchers during the period of independence of Ukraine. Graduate students joined them and discovered some aspects of the new vision of the Decembrists, which gradually freed from Marxist-Leninist ideology, used various forms and methods of research. Former members of G.D. Kazmyrchuk Decembrists school fostered interest to this problem in many educational institutions. The scientific capabilities determined and identify by The Decembrists reading the conference of different statuses, where most of students performed very actively with the Decembrists works and examined the various issues of the Decembrists. These conferences had a big social significance because conducted within the festival events in Kyiv region. Conferences findings and acquired skills of research work facilitated of G.D. Kazmyrchuk Decembrist school students to develop issues in terms of the Decembrist movement. International Conference of Young Scientists Shevchenko Spring has been hosted by History Department annually since 2003 and abstracts and materials have been published so far. The number of those, who came to Kyiv to take part in the historical section, is growing. Representatives of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Poland, Russia, Uzbekistan, and 17 regions of Ukraine participated in History Sections of the Shevchenko conference during the five years. The quality of published materials is constantly increasing. If to say, among the first publications of Shevchenko Spring were predominantly students theses, afterward the number of postgraduate research, building blocks of would-be dissertations increased. Noteworthy, Andrei Petrovsky is a good representative of the young generation of students. He is a second year postgraduate student of History Faculty of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University. Another student s leader today is Maxim Y. Scherbakov. He is also a second year postgraduate student of History Faculty of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University. He is actively studying topical problems of the national and World History on the Department of Contemporary History of Ukraine. Alexander Yashchuk works hard on the historical problems. He is a 4th year student of History Faculty of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, the Department of Ancient and Contemporary History of Ukraine. Though, experiencing financial difficulties and organizational transformation scientific students life at the KNU, History Department developed rapidly during Independence. Conferences, Shevchenko Spring and Decembrists Readings shape a new generation of scientists and humanitarians, which vividly faces to the challenges of the time, trying impartially and newly covers scientific issues.
Authors and Affiliations
Grigoriy Kazmyrchuk, Maria Kazmyrchuk
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