The article is devoted to the studying of semantic patterns of utterances with modal
meanings of volition in the Ukrainian language. Volitive modality is determined as a peculiar
type of modality that consists in express...
New approaches to lexicographical processing of modern speech lexis of residents
of a separate village are suggested in this article. The dialect of the Stryhantsi village of
Tysmenytsya district in the Ivano-Frankivsk r...
Ołeksandr Meżow (2016). Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia (т. І – ІІІ, Варшава 2013 – 2015). Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia, 4(),
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Семантичні моделі висловлень з модальними значеннями волевиявлення в українській мові (на матеріалі художніх текстів другої пол. ХХ ст.)
The article is devoted to the studying of semantic patterns of utterances with modal meanings of volition in the Ukrainian language. Volitive modality is determined as a peculiar type of modality that consists in express...
Spis treści/Contents
Zbiorowy dziennik rewolucji godności
Лексика села Стриганці як об’єкт лексикографічного опрацювання. І, Ї
New approaches to lexicographical processing of modern speech lexis of residents of a separate village are suggested in this article. The dialect of the Stryhantsi village of Tysmenytsya district in the Ivano-Frankivsk r...
Sprawozdanie z Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej „Ukrainistyka: tradycje i współczesność” (Warszawa, 6 grudnia 2013)