Studies on elaborating non-homogeneous solid rocket propellant for propellant cartridges bonded to motor chamber wall
Journal Title: CHEMIK nauka-technika-rynek - Year 2013, Vol 67, Issue 1
This paper presents the test results for the fundamental ballistic parameter of non-homogeneous solid rocket motors, that is, the linear burning rate and its dependence on pressure. The burning rate was determined in the laboratory rocket motor system on the basis of the recorded characteristic curves p = f(t) obtained during the burning procedure of the propellant cartridges of cylindrical shape with inhibited external lateral surface and the dimensions which provided the quasi constant level in the combustion chamber. The change in the quasi constant pressure in the combustion chamber was obtained by burning the cartridges of the same shape but using nozzles of various critical diameters.
Authors and Affiliations
Bogdan Florczak, Marek Białek, Mirosław Szczepanik, Arkadiusz Dzik
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