Study of negative outcomes in the results of using medicines by patients in Ukraine and abroad


The rapid development of the pharmaceutical industry, the emergence of new forms of drug advertising, modern sales technologies, self-treatment are of concern. At the same time, there are tendencies in the case of the prescribing or dispensation medicines, as well as mistakes in taking the drugs by patients. This leads to patients health harm, and in some cases leads to lethal effects and additional funds. Aim. To study the negative effects of using medicines by patients in Ukraine and abroad. Results. The analysis of definitions related to drugs safety, the classification of medication-related errors, the relationship of medication errors with adverse reactions of drug. The analysis of current state functioning efficiency of the pharmaceutical supervision system in Ukraine has been carried out, according to the results of which it is established that domestic system meets the recommendations of the World Health Organization, however, today does not take into account all developed European recommendations. Conclusions. It is established that in the world today there is no single unified classification of medication related errors. It is determined that the most common defining characteristic of mistakes during pharmacotherapy is the term «medication error». Taking into account the general tendencies, the following categories of errors are distinguished: mistakes occurred in a case of drug administration, use of medicines if inpatient treatment, and when giving a drug to a pharmaceutical worker. It has been determined that systems of pharmaceutical supervision of many countries acknowledging the data of medication error. The domestic pharmacovigilance system as a whole complies with international standards, but still does not take into account all developed recommendations and needs to be reformed, in view of Eurointegration processes taking place in Ukraine.

Authors and Affiliations

A. A. Kotvitska, I. O. Surikova


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  • EP ID EP658328
  • DOI 10.24959/uekj.19.14
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How To Cite

A. A. Kotvitska, I. O. Surikova (2019). Study of negative outcomes in the results of using medicines by patients in Ukraine and abroad. Управління, економіка та забезпечення якості в фармації, 2(58), 46-52.