Study on the practice of recreational-athletic physical activities in relation to people's age 


Studying the factors that positively or negatively influence the practice of athletic-recreational physical activities, as well as the level of knowledge in the field of movement sciences, can give us an idea of their stage. We can find out whether the syncopes in the physical activities are caused by lack of time from young and adult people, lack of sportive centers and proper conditions to practice these activities, or whether we are talking about other causes, such as idleness, and new types of preoccupations (internet surfing, etc.). The main objectives of athletic-recreational physical activities are: a harmonious physical development, forming a good posture, maintaining one's health, strengthening the body, stimulating the higher functions, and, not in the least, preventing and correcting certain deformations of the body. The athletic-recreational physical activities area is vast, they are various, and can differ from one age category to another, being practiced by a great number of subjects, only a few of the questioned people answering they do not practice any kind of physical activity, negative answers coming, generally, form older persons. We can say, therefore, that the investigated subjects take part consciously and discerningly in physical activities, which, unfortunately, are not a daily habit for most people. 

Authors and Affiliations

Dănuţ-Nicu MÂRZA-DĂNILĂ, Nicolae-Lucian VOINEA, Gabriel GRIGOROAIA


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How To Cite

Dănuţ-Nicu MÂRZA-DĂNILĂ, Nicolae-Lucian VOINEA, Gabriel GRIGOROAIA (2011). Study on the practice of recreational-athletic physical activities in relation to people's age . Gymnasium - Scientific Journal of Education, Sports and Health, 12(1), 82-93.