Створення нових вихідних форм багаторосткових запилювачів у селекції батьківських компонентів гібридів буряка цукрового на ЦЧС основі


The article presents the results of researches on creation and аssessment of the genetic potential of new initial forms of diploid multi-growth pollinators of sugar beet. It was established that selection of roots ,,pedigree” with the subsequent assessment of the inheritance of controlled characteristics by their progeny is an effective method for the creation of high sugarу, combinational-capable by the sign ,,yield of roots ” linear materials of diploid multi-growth pollinators of sugar beet. The higher effectiveness of the selection of roots ,,pedigree” was observed in populations whose roots were characterized by an oval-conical shape (BZ 15F / 11, BZ 76/17). The coefficients of root shape in these materials were 1.25 and 1.21, respectively. Іn the process of creating linear materials of different inbreeding depths, as a consequence of the manifestation of inbred depression, a general tendency was observed to decrease the yield of roots іn all breeding numbers. In the lines obtained using classical inbreeding, the number of low-productive numbers was 85.6 %, and the number of sibling crosses was 56.6 %. The use of homozygous pollinator lines in breeding for heterosis is more effective than using population-level pollinators. On the basis of pollinators, created by closely related multiplication and self-pollination, 20.2 % and 19.7 % of highly productive hybrids on CMS were obtained based on the total number of combinations of crossing. The use of homozygous pollinating lines in heterosis selection is more effective than the use of pollinators of the population level. With the use of pollinators, created by close-minded breeding and self-pollination, 20.2 % and 19.7 % of highly productive CMS hybrids were obtained based on the total number of crossing combinations. The number of highly productive hybrids obtained on the basis of pollinators of the population level was only 13.1 %. The selection of the best pollinators should be done taking into account their combining ability, basic productivity and root shape parameters. Hybrids obtained on the basis of pollinators with an oval-conical shape of root were characterized by higher productivity than hybrids, whose parent components were pollinators with a broad-conical shape of root.

Authors and Affiliations

Сергій Труш


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How To Cite

Сергій Труш (2018). Створення нових вихідних форм багаторосткових запилювачів у селекції батьківських компонентів гібридів буряка цукрового на ЦЧС основі. Збірник наукових праць Уманського національного університету садівництва, 1(92), 256-263. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-523370