Stylizacja jako rodzaj gry językowej w polskich reklamach z rosyjskim tłem

Journal Title: Slavia Orientalis - Year 2014, Vol 0, Issue 2


The article is devoted to Russian-like stylization of Polish utterances in TV commercials. The analysis shall be based on the texts in which above mentioned techniques (both present in separate words as well as whole expressions) can be observed. For the purposes of this article stylization is viewed as one of the ways in which language game can be expressed. As it can be seen in the analyzed set of commercials, the technique is most often visible in the phonetic level of the language. Nonetheless, morphologic, syntactic, pragmatic and even graphic stylization (Russian alphabet in Polish words) is used as well. One of the reasons to adopt such approach is to allow audience that does not speak Russian, to understand the message conveyed in the text and to provide additional cultural information. However, utterances in TV commercials create simplified (and sometimes false) belief of the language in question. The analysis of chosen commercials that have appeared in Polish TV during last decade enables the illustration of the turning point in the perception of Russian language and Russian conceptosphere.

Authors and Affiliations

Łukasz Piotrowski


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How To Cite

Łukasz Piotrowski (2014). Stylizacja jako rodzaj gry językowej w polskich reklamach z rosyjskim tłem. Slavia Orientalis, 0(2), 307-316.