Substantiation of auxiliary substances of in the composition of tablets with dry extract of zingiber officinale
Journal Title: Український біофармацевтичний журнал - Year 2019, Vol 60, Issue 3
Topicality. Due to its rich chemical composition and pharmacological activity, Zingiber officinale is a promising raw material for creating various drugs, including ones for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Aim. To obtain tablets with dry ginger extract by direct pressing using polyfactorial dispersion analysis (taking into account the quality factors). Materials and methods. The objects of the study were dry ginger extract, filler – Galen IQ 721 and excipients of three technological groups: dry binders, moisture regulators and lubricants. The effect of auxiliary substances on such indicators as bulk density, tapped density and the Carr index of the tablet mass, as well as disintegration, mechanical strength and friability of the obtained tablets have been investigated. Results and discussion. Using the mathematical planning of the experiment by the 3 × 3 Latin square method, the influence of qualitative factors on the pharmacological indicators of tablets with a dry extract of ginger has been studied. Conclusions. According to the results of analysis of variance, the optimal excipients in the composition of tablets with ginger extract were chosen: from the group of binders – Kollidone k30, as a moisture regulator – Neusilin UFL 2 and lubricant – calcium stearate.
Authors and Affiliations
Alkhalaf Malek Walid Ahmad, O. A. Ruban, O. Kutova, N. Herbina
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