Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Çağında Kurumların Sürdürülebilirlik Yaklaşımı: Oteller Üzerinden Bir Değerlendirme
Journal Title: İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi - Year 2019, Vol 6, Issue 1
Sustainable development reveals a process in which institutions should take into account the relationship between economic, environmental and social parameters in their operations. In this context, institutions’ sustainability approach is essential in our contemporary age of sustainable development. In this study, institutions’ sustainability approaches are discussed based on the three basic strategic dimensions (economic, environmental and social) of sustainable development which include the basic aims of the sustainable development. Questionnaire method is used in the research and questionnaires are formed, based on the studies acquired as a result of literature survey and Sustainability Reports of Hotels. Questions were prepared as to give clues about the steps hotels take on the basis of economic, environmental and social dimensions in sustainable development. Population of the study involves the managers of hotels operating in tourism sector and sample contains the managers of 19 hotels that are listed in the Best Hotels List of 2017 in Holidaycheck. As a result of the data obtained from the hotel managers it was observed that hotels have taken important steps towards the basic seventeen aims of sustainable development.
Authors and Affiliations
Nesrin Canpolat, Ebru Öztürk
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