Суспільно-політична діяльність української літературної інтелігенції в період ЗУНР


In the article the main directions of political activity Ukrainian literary intellectuals during WUPR. It is noted in their explanatory work among the population on preparation of Ukrainian society to the possibility of the formation of the Ukrainian state. Declaration of WUPR Ukrainian writers took part in the development of Ukrainian authorities on the ground. Writers have joined to the Organization of Ukrainian national county councils, whose functions were to replace the county council, acting under the Austrian regime. The writer Osip Macovei took leadership Zalishchyky County, Horodenka County . T. Okunevskyy, Dolyna . S. Danylovych, and Sambor . A. Chaykovskyy. In addition to economic affairs Mark Cheremshyna had to act as peacemaker during capture Pokuttya Romanian army in May 1919 led the writer to negotiate with the Romanian Authority for further action. Marco Cheremshyna could not avert the seizure of a large part Pokuttya Romanian troops, but he was able to persuade the enemy didn.t doing repressions against the local population, and to ensure a civilized transfer of territory officials, who characterized loyalty to Ukrainian. In addition to activities in representative bodies WUPR and direct field activities, representatives of literary intellectuals took part in the development of all possible diplomatic service and mandated foreign policy WUPR. Some writers included diplomatic delegations WUPR. In particular, K. Levytskyi and O.Nazaruk attended the Riga Peace Conference (1920 . 1921 years).

Authors and Affiliations

Mykola Guivaniuk


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How To Cite

Mykola Guivaniuk (2016). Суспільно-політична діяльність української літературної інтелігенції в період ЗУНР. Науковий вісник Чернівецького національного університету імені Юрія Федьковича. Історія, 2(), 54-59. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-205344