Systematization of administrative legislation: foreign researches


The article notes that under the conditions of administrative reform, the actuality of the systematization of the administrative legislation of Ukraine is sharply actualized. An important scientific task is the doctrinal provision of this process. However, the appeal to the Ukrainian legal literature demonstrates the lack of monographic research on the systematization of administrative legislation, which makes it expedient to critically comprehend foreign literature on this issue. Within the framework of the article, monographs of O.N. Ordina, who has chosen the field of her scientific interests to systematize the sources of administrative law, and M.V. Kostennikov, who devoted a series of works to theoretical problems of the codification of Russian administrative law.

Authors and Affiliations

А. Н. Сарыбаева


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How To Cite

А. Н. Сарыбаева (2016). Systematization of administrative legislation: foreign researches. Науковий вісник Міжнародного гуманітарного університету. Серія: «Юриспруденція», 24(), 46-48.