Sytuacja prawna osób dotkniętych transseksualizmem i interseksualizmem – wybrane zagadnienia prawne


Th is paper puts on some issues connected with the problem of transsexualism and intersexualism and does not pose for comprehensive elaboration on all questions connected with this subject. The paper aims at indicating that in contemporary legal circumstances in Poland there is no specific regulations concerning the change of sex or procedures by the birth of intersexual child, the aplication of binding laws leads to imperfect results that are oft en unfair to invlved people.

Authors and Affiliations

Paulina Rusak-Romanowska


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How To Cite

Paulina Rusak-Romanowska (2014). Sytuacja prawna osób dotkniętych transseksualizmem i interseksualizmem – wybrane zagadnienia prawne. Metryka. Studia z zakresu prawa osobowego i rejestracji stanu cywilnego, 0(1), 89-100.