Szaleństwo i nieśmiertelność – u podstaw platońskiej antropologii kultury
Journal Title: Rozprawy Naukowe Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu - Year 2015, Vol 48, Issue 1
In Plato’s philosophy sexual activity comes from an impulse given by Eros: the messenger between the Olympian gods and human beings. That activity is also a harbinger of aspiration for immortality – that is to leave a lasting mark of one’s own existence in human memory. One of possibilities is the transfer of knowledge about one’s own existence to one’s own descendants and future generations. Plato is of an opinion that inspiration, named madness, resulting inter alia from Eros’s influence (and, simultaneously, an aspiration for immortality) can be also realized in another way – that is, among others, thanks to artistic or artisan creativity, or eminent political, economic, military, sports or religious activity.
Authors and Affiliations
Jerzy Kosiewicz
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Szaleństwo i nieśmiertelność – u podstaw platońskiej antropologii kultury
In Plato’s philosophy sexual activity comes from an impulse given by Eros: the messenger between the Olympian gods and human beings. That activity is also a harbinger of aspiration for immortality – that is to leave a la...