Teachers’ Accounts on their own Teaching Practices
Journal Title: International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences - Year 2018, Vol 3, Issue 6
This is a qualitative study of English teachers who have at least five years of teaching experience in the Department of Education in the province of Bohol. An interview schedule was utilized in the conduct of the study using open-ended questions. NVivo 10 was used for the thematic analysis on the teachers’ accounts on their teaching practices. There are three themes with subthemes extracted from the study, namely: teaching proficiency, teaching-learning process, and teaching materials. The researcher recommends the in-service English teachers to undergo self-reflection to know more of themselves as teachers and to base modifications of classroom procedures. The school administration may conduct in-service training on reflective teaching practices since these in-service English teachers do not have any seminar-workshops on reflective teaching. Action researches may be accomplished to provide empirical evidences on the improvement of the reflective teaching practices of these teachers.
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