Teaching languages for special purposes for developing future translators’ professional competences and linguistic skills
Journal Title: Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки" - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue 12
The article deals with the necessity to teach languages for special purposes in the courses of written translation or scientific and technical translation for developing and mastering future translators’ main professional competences and linguistic skills. The author of the article analyzes the results of work of new European projects working on the new objectives, criteria and characteristics of translation competences. According to these projects, the European Commission has developed a list of professional translation competences, new criteria for the formation of future translators’ knowledge and linguistic skills. The author of the article connects the main result of this work, which is introducing a single international standard ISO 17100 in 2015 on translation activities and services with new translation competences. These new competences and professional requirements were the subject matter of the discussion at the 2nd Ukrainian scientific and practical conference “The context of teaching translators and modern professional requirements” organized by Ukrainian translators’ teachers’ unity in Alfred Nobel University in Dnipro 7 October 2016. At the conference the list of the professional requirements for the modern translators and professional competences was analyzed and discussed, including the language and technical competences, the knowledge of modern information technology, computer aided translation technologies (Trados, MemoQ, SmartCAT, Memsource cloud technology and others).and the creation the necessity to work with students on special texts from different fields of human activity for improving their linguistic knowledge and the quality of future translation. The appearing new translation competences forces students and translators’ teachers understand the requirements of future profession and adapt to them. The author of the article emphasizes the role of languages for special purposes and the importance of their teaching, taking into account the new European requirements for the modern translators’ professional activity, as well as the quality of translation services, and new translators’ and translation competences. In this case, the role of teaching professional terminological vocabulary or Languages for Special Purposes becomes of a great importance. Teaching scientific and technical terminologies will help to form not only translators’ linguistic competence, but also the ability to work effectively in computer-aided translation using electronic dictionaries, modern search engines and other technologies. Teaching Languages for Special Purposes (LSP) should been seen as a separate activity within language teaching with its own methodology and research principles. The emphasis should be on the practical aims more than theoretical ones. It will allow future translators communicate without barriers and work more effectively.
Authors and Affiliations
N. Bidnenko
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