The Activity of Family Businesses and the Phenomenon of Underpricing of Their Shares in IPOs in Poland in the Years 2013–2015


firms. In a situation when company owners do not have the possibility to recapitalize the company or to increase the scale of the use of borrowed capital, an issue of shares directed to external entities may become an important source of funding. The article analyzes the activity of family firms in the process of raising capital through the issue of shares on the public market of securities, namely the stock exchange, and in the alternative trading system – the NewConnect market. The analysis was conducted based on data from 2013–2015. In that period, the share issues of family firms accounted for 30% of all IPOs on the Warsaw Stock Exchange and 43% on the NewConnect market. The article also examines the phenomenon of stock underpricing in the initial public offering. The scales of underpricing in family firms and other companies are compared.

Authors and Affiliations

Perz Paweł


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  • EP ID EP304114
  • DOI 10.7172/1733-9758.2017.23.14
  • Views 114
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How To Cite

Perz Paweł (2017). The Activity of Family Businesses and the Phenomenon of Underpricing of Their Shares in IPOs in Poland in the Years 2013–2015. Studia i Materiały Wydział Zarządzania Uniwersytet Warszawski, 1(23), 153-161.