The Application of Atlas.ti and NVivo Software in Conducting Researches Based on Grounded Theory Methodology
Journal Title: PRZEGLĄD SOCJOLOGII JAKOŚCIOWEJ - Year 2014, Vol 10, Issue 2
This article raises a topic of special software applied to support the analysis of qualitative data in research which is based on the procedures of grounded theory methodology (GTM). The purpose of this article is to demonstrate what kind of relations occur between the methodology procedures of grounded theory and two popular programs of CAQDA group: NVivo and Atlas.ti. This article is intended to show in what ways these two programs can be used to provide a GT-based analysis. In the article, there is a demonstration of both technical and applicable possibilities of NVivo and Atlas.ti software. Moreover, this article points out a degree of adequacy of technical solutions applied in both programs in order to meet the requirements of grounded theory methodology, as well as some restrictions and barriers which can be encountered by a researcher who uses a particular computer program in GT-based research.
Authors and Affiliations
Jakub Niedbalski
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