The Church patterned after Christ. The baptismal aspect of the problem

Journal Title: Sympozjum - Year 2018, Vol 35, Issue 2


After Second Vatican Council the pontifical teaching and theology mention the need for building of the Church on the Christ model. Although this postulate seems to be evident, it is quite challenging in terms of theological description and practical realisation. For this reason the problem is worthy of attention. This item discusses the baptismal aspect of the problem, which defines the perspective of the problem in reference to other ecclesiological issues. Baptism accentuates mostly the fact that the Church is based in its existence and mission on the gift of Christ. The Church answers to this gift and remains in strict relation with it. Thus, from the answer given in such a spirit stems the resemblance between the Church and Christ.

Authors and Affiliations

Janusz Królikowski


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  • EP ID EP429340
  • DOI 10.4467/25443283SYM.18.025.9706
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How To Cite

Janusz Królikowski (2018). The Church patterned after Christ. The baptismal aspect of the problem. Sympozjum, 35(2), 145-162.