The collection of Joachim Lelewel in the Rare Book Department of the Vilnius University Library
Journal Title: Z Badań nad Książką i Księgozbiorami Historycznymi - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue
Historian, cartographer, bibliographer, book scientist Joachim Lelewel (1786-1861) devised and bequeathed his private library to the Vilnius University. This collection, preserved in the Rare Book Department of the VU Library, consists of 3684 titles (5400 volumes). Though Lelewel was not a bibliophile, his book collection is interesting and valuable thematically and for the extant provenances in the books. The article reveals the history of its formation and eventual arrival at the Vilnius University, shortly discusses book topics and brings into focus all the different inscriptions, stamps and exlibrises. The majority of books deal with geography, cosmography, Antique, history of modern times, descriptions of travels in different countries. Works of Lelewel himself form a significant part of this collection as well. Lelewel’s own notes in the books themselves reveal that he was not only a researcher interested in a lot of areas of science, but also a great bibliographer. Moreover, the dedications to J. Lelewel paint him as a famous or appreciated scientist who intensively cooperated with the other researchers. The varied persons’ and institutions’ provenances from different times not only provide significant information about the former readers, their reading habits and interests, but also confirm that for Lelewel the content of the books – not the goal to aquire special or exclusive publications – was the most important thing.
Authors and Affiliations
Viktorija Vaitkevičiūtė
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