The Comedy “Poshylys’ u Durni” (“They Made Fools of Themselves”) by Marko Kropyvnytskyi in the context of the Ukrainian and world literary process
Journal Title: Науковий вісник Міжнародного гуманітарного університету. Серія «Філологія» - Year 2017, Vol 29, Issue 1
The vaudeville “Poshylys’ u Durni” (“They Made Fools of Themselves”) by Marko Kropyvnytskyi has something in common with such world masterpieces as “Komedia Pomylok” (“The Comedy of Errors”) by W. Shakespeare, “Zhorzh Danden, abo Obdurenyi cholovik” (“George Dandin or The Deceived Husband”) by J.-B. Moliere, “Sluha Dvoh Paniv” (“The Servant of Two Masters”) by C. Goldoni, “Vesillya Fiharo” (“The Marriage of Figaro”) by P. Beaumarchais. In all these plays, the clever servants or maids make fun of their masters and at the same time they also help them to solve difficult life problems. The servants in the works by M. Kropyvnytsky are analogous to the characters of the works by H. Kvitka-Osnovyanenko. For example, the cunning scrivener Skakunets’ from M. Kropyvnytskyi’s works has much in common with Shel’menko from H. Kvitka-Osnovyanenko’s ones. For the first time the play was represented with great success by the Coryphaeus’ Theater on November 15, 1883 in Kyiv. The performance was especially popular when M. Kropyvnytskyi and M. Zankovetska took part in it. The comedy was also staged in Les Kurbas Kyiv Drama Theater. The director changed the play according to the requirements of the time.
Authors and Affiliations
А. О. Новиков
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