The concept of a prefabricated structure for protection of critical infrastructure facilities
Journal Title: Bulletin of the Military University of Technology - Year 2018, Vol 67, Issue 2
The paper presents the concept of a protective structure in the form of a prefabricated reinforced concrete protective dome intended for protection of a single critical infrastructure facility [1]. Unlike non-movable cast-in-place reinforced concrete structures, the protective structure can be assembled and disassembled repeatedly with the use of dedicated joining sockets. To provide the concept with a high mobility, the dimensions of single modules of the prefabricated reinforced concrete protective dome meet the transport limits dictated by the horizontal and vertical clearance of roads. A numerical computational analysis facilitated a determination of the distribution of internal forces in the protective stricture and dimensioning of the required reinforcement system [3]. The computations included standardized cases of steady and dynamic loads, and combinations thereof, complete with parameters of dynamic loads from an explosion impulse. Keywords: building engineering, protective structure, prefabricated dome<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Kamil Sobczyk, Ryszard Chmielewski, Krzysztof Duda
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