The Crisis of Social Ties as a Challenge for the Christian Vision of Social Life


The author of this article analyses the crisis of social ties as a huge challenge for the Christian vision of social life. Firstly, he refers to the moral and religious crisis of the postmodern era, and the depreciation of the social status of the human. Then, he presents the uniqueness of human being as well as potentiality. According to the Christian integral anthropology, presented by personalism, man remains a spiritual and material coexistence. In the last part, the author underlines the Christian idea that a society should acknowledge the dignity of each of its members, as well as guarantee the optimal functioning of human communities. Consequently, social procedures and institutions should be preceded by a consensus assuring the ethical minimum. If a society does not accept the fundamental values like: the dignity of every human being, the protection of their life, justice, equality, solidarity, it cannot function, at least not as a community of persons.

Authors and Affiliations

Janusz Głąbiński


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  • EP ID EP455025
  • DOI 10.15633/pch.2568
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How To Cite

Janusz Głąbiński (2018). The Crisis of Social Ties as a Challenge for the Christian Vision of Social Life. The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II, 8(2), 167-179.