The debt buildup process: Bosnia and Herzegovina – Republic of Srpska versus other European countries

Journal Title: Acta Economica - Year 2013, Vol 11, Issue 18


Financial and economic crisis from 2008 created debt problems throughout the world, in developed and developing countries. Although the problems cause by the crisis were similar for all countries there were some specific differences between them. Here, effects of firm’s indebtedness in the Republic of Srpska are analysed in comparison with 15 European countries before and after the crisis, which serve as a benchmark. In the RS and also other considered countries in the collapse year (2009), the relative debt increases of under and over median firms differed drastically. In the main crisis year of 2009 the RS had 2 percentage points higher impact (relative to the Core European countries) of the financial accelerator or/and correspondingly different effect of the shape of firm investment distribution on the debt increase. In 2009, country specific effects on the debt build-up process disappeared for all other observed countries except the RS, while in the year after the collapse they disappeared in the RS and picked upped again in all other countries, showing lagging of the impact of the crisis as well as a milder effect in the RS.

Authors and Affiliations

Velimir Bole, Janez Prašnikar, Domen Trobec


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How To Cite

Velimir Bole, Janez Prašnikar, Domen Trobec (2013). The debt buildup process: Bosnia and Herzegovina – Republic of Srpska versus other European countries. Acta Economica, 11(18), -.