The development of infrastructure in protected areas


The paper presents some infrastructure problems in the protected areas in Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship, from the point of view of the inhabitants’ needs. Legal barriers which are binding on protected areas and result mainly from the Act Environment Protection and the park protection scheme, cause numerous conflicts between the local inhabitants, workers of the park, conservationists and investors. These conflicts concern many aspects, localisation of infrastructure, settlements and protection of the area in particular. In many cases the localisation of the infrastructure exerts an influence upon the living conditions of the dwellers and natural environment. The cooperation of all parties plays a significant role in the development of a road network. A constant development of the infrastructure should include environment protection and social conditions, which would ensure favourable living conditions for the inhabitants of the area. The investment processes within the infrastructure are long-term and greatly affect the natural environment, especially in protected areas. The analysis of the infrastructure has been presented from the point of view of the inhabitants' needs.

Authors and Affiliations

Łukasz Popławski


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How To Cite

Łukasz Popławski (2009). The development of infrastructure in protected areas. Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie, 13(2), 137-150.