The dimensional contact problem for the prestressed cylindrical punch and layer lying without friction on a rigid foundation

Journal Title: Problemy Nauk Stosowanych - Year 2014, Vol 2, Issue


Introduction and aim: The article deals with the problem of the elastic cylindrical die pressure on the layer with initial stresses within the framework of linearized elasticity theory. In general, the research was carried out for the theory of great initial deformations and two variants of the theory of small initial deformations with arbitrary structure of elastic potential. Material and methods: The mode of deformation in the elastic layer with initial stresses is defined with the help of harmonic functions by way of Henkel integrals. It reduces the task to Fredholm equations and the method of consecutive approximations. Results: We obtained a correlation between the components of potential vector and tensor of deformations in the case of equal roots. The solutions are defined by way of lines with the help of infinitive system of constants, derivated from the regular and linear algebraic system. Conclusion: The research investigates the influence of initial stresses on the law of distribution of contact stresses in the layer and punch with initial stresses.

Authors and Affiliations

Natalia Iaretska


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How To Cite

Natalia Iaretska (2014). The dimensional contact problem for the prestressed cylindrical punch and layer lying without friction on a rigid foundation. Problemy Nauk Stosowanych, 2(), 101-108.