The effect of treatment with trainer Myo T4K on articulation of consonants
Journal Title: Forum Ortodontyczne - Year 2011, Vol 7, Issue 3
The study concerns an important issue of mutual relationships among morphology and function, in particular articulation, in the masticatory system. Research project described below is an example of synthetical implementation of therapeutic methods from various areas, specifically related to introduction of standard myofunctional appliance to speech therapy. [b]Aim: [/b]The aim of the study is to delineate the effect of myofuntional treatment in particular Myo T4K trainer use exerts on elimination of defective execution of consonants pronounced with additional bidental articulation. [b]Materials and methods[/b]: Patients included in the study underwent initial diagnostic procedures according to predetermined criteria and were randomly ascribed to different experimental groups. The main inclusion criterion was the presence of articulation defects, that consisted of inappropriate execution of 1-12 consonants with additional bidental articulation. Overall number of 263 defective executions were diagnosed initially. In order to follow experimental assumptions, patients were divided randomly in two groups. Control group consisted of 20 persons. Group of 19 subjects was enrolled to Myo T4K therapeutic trial. Control evaluation was performed in all patients from both groups in predetermined scheme. Observational results were documented and summarize in prepared study sheets. [b]Results and conclusion[/b]: Myofunctional treatment may be used in speech therapy, and trainer Myo T4K can be an effective aid in the treatment of speech defects of consonants with additional bidental articulation. It seems reasonable to consider the possibility of improving the speech therapy through use of all available methods and appliances to achieve lasting therapeutic effects in shorter time and with less costs.(Orthod. Forum 2011; 7: 151 - 162). Received: 2.09.2011 Accepted: 14.09.2011
Authors and Affiliations
Monika Łuszczuk
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