The essence of kinesiotaping in cranio-mandibular and cranio-facial area. Literature review. Part II.
Journal Title: Prosthodontics - Year 2016, Vol 66, Issue 6
Introduction. This article is a continuation of an earlier study on the essence of kinesiotaping in cranio-mandibular and cranio-facial areas. Kinesiotaping is a form of physiotherapy involving the application of a special tape in selected areas of the body. It is used in pain and swelling therapies. It can influence the stabilization. It plays an important role in re-education movement patterns, as well as in the correction of the fascial system. Kinesiotaping is well tolerated by patients. It can be an isolated treatment method as well as a factor promoting other forms of the therapy. Aim of the study. To evaluate the rationale and also the possibility of applying kinesiotaping in patients with cranio-mandibular and cranio-facial disorders. Material and methods. A literature review was done using the PubMed and Google Scholar databases. Sources from the years 2006-2016 were taken into account. In the search the following words were used: kinesiotaping, kinesio tape, facial kinesiotaping, TMJ kinesiotaping, masseter kinesiotaping, orthognathic surgery kinesiotaping. Results. The literature review showed a wide range of kinesiotaping applications in patients with cranio-mandibular and cranio-facial disorders.Conclusions. Kinesiotaping may constitute an important part of treatment applied in patients with temporomandibular joints disorders, neuromuscular discoordination, facial nerve paralysis, trigeminal neuralgia, swelling and sinusitis. Due a subtle influence on the human body, multifaceted nature of the activity and the effectiveness of the therapy, this method has been continuously operating for about 40 years and still gains a growing number of supporters.
Authors and Affiliations
Krzysztof Szarejsko, Joanna Kuć, Maria Gołębiewska
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