The estimation of subjective factors of the influence on management of analytical and expert activity in the sphere of general secondary education of the region
Journal Title: ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 11
<p>The integrated activities were analyzed in the aspect of control-estimating function. The necessity of management of these activities was ground. The notion of the management of analytical and expert activity was separated. The notion “subjective factor” was explained. The examples of the studies of influence of subjective factors on the different types of activities in the management of educational institution in the native and foreign experience were presented.</p>The following factors of influence on analytical and expert activity in the sphere of general secondary education in the region were studied: influence of the subjects of different level of educational management in the region on the management of analytical and expert activity, priorities of management in the aspect of educational departments and methodical services, level of confidence to the management of analytical and expert procedures that are carried out at the regional level by the subjects such as directors of school, their assistants and teachers. The result of research was the revelation of tendencies that brake the objectivity of analysis and expert examination of educational subjects and the outlining of the ways of improvement of effectiveness of the management of analytical and expert activity in the sphere of general secondary education of region. The perspectives of studies in this direction were determined, among them are: the search for other subjective factors, establishing of their causes and elaboration of arrangements for the development of analytical and expert competence of all subjects, involved into the management of general secondary education in the region
Authors and Affiliations
Oksana Bodnar
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