The evaluation of the marginal leakage and uniformity of composite fillings made using the Compothixo - in vitro test.
Journal Title: Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne) - Year 2018, Vol 71, Issue 1
Introduction: Devices appearing on the market right now intend to improve the adaptation of composite fillings to dentine and enamel, preventing marginal leakage, reducing working time of an operator. Compothixo is designed to apply and model composite materials. The aim of the study: The aim of the study was comparing adaptation to the margins, homogeneity and time of application of composite materials using Compothixo and traditional method in class II cavities. Material and methods: In the study 25 human tooth were used which were extracted of periodontal/surgical indications. 50 class II cavities were preparated. One surface was rebuild in traditional way, the other using Compothixo. In both methods there were compared: work time, marginal adaptation, homogeneity, dye penetration in marginal fissure. The results were statistically analyzed using independence test χ2 or independence test χ2 with Yates (p=0,05) correction. Results: Traditional method of composite filling took 7m and 35 s.±45 s., with Compothixo it was 5m and 20 s.± 35 s. 60% of fillings were leaked using traditional method, 24 % using Compothixo. Homogeneity was stated in 28% Compothixo fillings, in traditional method the number was 25%. No dye penetration was stated in 56% of Compothixo fillings and accordingly 16% in traditional method. Conclusions: The results of the study with Compothixo allow to admit that it is useful in clinical practice. Condensation of composite fillings was achieved faster using ultrasonic tips. Marginal adaptation and tightness of the filling was better using Compothixo. <br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Katarzyna Barczak, Aleksandra Turkowska, Karolina Masełkowska, Aleksander Czarnyszka, Kinga Kaczor, Jadwiga Buczkowska-Radlińska
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