The Experience of Self-regulation as the Basis for the Music Students’ Successful Training
Journal Title: Вісник Київського національного університету культури і мистецтв. Серія: Музичне мистецтво - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 2
<p>The contemporary system of specialists’ professional training in the field of Musical Art as a priority task puts forward the training of a specialist capable of continuous self-development and self-improvement. Nowadays the demand for professional qualities is largely based on individual self-regulation mechanisms’ activation. Thus, the study of pedagogical conditions’ organization that will favour the development of student autonomy in educational, artistic and creative activities, as well as encourage future professionals to continuous self-development and self-improvement, is determined by the practical needs of a contemporary system of training specialists in the field of Musical Art.</p><p> The comprehensive study of self-regulation mechanisms in specific types of human activity is the scientific basis that enables the solution of the strategic tasks of the contemporary educational system. Therefore, the increase of the effectiveness of the future musicians training through the creation of pedagogical conditions aimed at the development of professional skills and skills of self-regulation during the term of studying at a higher educational establishment, which is the purpose of our research, needs systematization of the data available related to the musical performance and educational activity in the coordinates of acquiring of individual self-regulation experience on the part of a personality. The logic of achieving this goal led to the choice of research methods: the critical analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the problem (to identify the degree of development and prospects for further exploration), methods of systematization and analogy (to identify specific features of self-regulation of musical performance in comparison with other activities), method of abstraction and modeling (for studying the structure of the phenomenon under investigation as an integrative entity, combining the components of the experience of the individual with the structural and the links of self-regulation as a process).</p><p>Depending on the type of activity and the conditions for its implementation, the self-regulation is realized by means of various mental methods, and the self-regulation skills of a certain type of activity forming the experience of specialist self-regulation, which has a unique structure that reflects the essential features of the professional activity type and the self-regulation individual of this activity.</p><p>Since a personal entity formed as a result of the numerical strategies implementation for the achievement of a professionally significant goal, the experience of music students’ self-regulation is a complex phenomenon that reflects the structural elements of self-regulation both as a process and structure of personal experience of the individual, on the one hand, and a result and basis of his professional activity, on the other hand, which is fixed in the system of knowledge, skills, emotional and value attitudes.</p>Conclusions. The process of gaining self-regulation experience in the frameworks of musical art is viewed as a process of the personality’s entering into the spiritual universe of universal culture, is the basis and result of a professional self-actualization of a musician. Specific features of musical performance should be taken into account while creating pedagogical conditions for the formation of the student self-regulation experience.
Authors and Affiliations
Yuliia Lebid
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