Powstanie i rozwój prawosławia w Hiszpanii związany był z procesami migracyjnymi z przełomu XIX i XX w. Ze względów politycznych, ekonomicznych i społecznych na terenie Hiszpanii osiedlała się ludność prawosławna,...
For many researchers, the new categorical imperative by philosopher Theodor Adorno about thinking and acting in the way so that Auschwitz is never repeated, has become the new starting point for rethinking the rules of p...
Considered a musical monument to the Austro- Hungarian Empire – The Gypsy Baron (originally Der Zigeunerbaron) of 1885 composed by Johann Strauss II (1825-1899) reveals how important position Maria Theresia had in the Em...
The phenomenon of Italian migration is characterized by a clear caesura, which makes Italy
a country with a long history of emigration and a much shorter experience of immigration. #e mid-
1970s are considered a breakthr...
The authors decided to deal with the theme of the influence of corruption on the political
processes in contemporary Spain and Catalonia. The investigation of this problem requires the reference
to both: a political situ...
EP ID EP540432
DOI 10.1515/pn-2017-0014
Views 59
Downloads 0
How To Cite
Rafał Łętocha (2017). The ideas, objectives and instruments of the Eastern policy in the Second Republic. Przegląd Narodowościowy - Review of Nationalities, 7(),
417-427. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-540432
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Prawosławne jurysdykcje kościelne we współczesnej Hiszpanii
Powstanie i rozwój prawosławia w Hiszpanii związany był z procesami migracyjnymi z przełomu XIX i XX w. Ze względów politycznych, ekonomicznych i społecznych na terenie Hiszpanii osiedlała się ludność prawosławna,...
Jewish philosophy and political theory to the shoah, some aspects
For many researchers, the new categorical imperative by philosopher Theodor Adorno about thinking and acting in the way so that Auschwitz is never repeated, has become the new starting point for rethinking the rules of p...
The Gypsy Baron Operetta (1885) as a musical document of a certain age
Considered a musical monument to the Austro- Hungarian Empire – The Gypsy Baron (originally Der Zigeunerbaron) of 1885 composed by Johann Strauss II (1825-1899) reveals how important position Maria Theresia had in the Em...
Italian migration policy: Changes and effects
The phenomenon of Italian migration is characterized by a clear caesura, which makes Italy a country with a long history of emigration and a much shorter experience of immigration. #e mid- 1970s are considered a breakthr...
Corruption in Spain and Catalonia after 2008
The authors decided to deal with the theme of the influence of corruption on the political processes in contemporary Spain and Catalonia. The investigation of this problem requires the reference to both: a political situ...