The image of a city through the prism of cultural-philosophical concept introduced by Oswald Spengler
Journal Title: Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки" - Year 2017, Vol 2, Issue 14
Many scholars believe that a city is an integral part of such a paradigm as nature – history – culture. Thus, Oswald Spengler sees a culture as a single living organism with different stages of development – birth, growth, aging and dying – and connects its nature with the peculiarities of the landscape on the grounds of which any culture appears and develops. The landscape, being a natural space, is one of the basic elements contributing to the formation of a city which is a center of any culture and history development. The philosopher considers that a city stems from the landscape, though unique urban consciousness is formed earlier than the process of city formation is completed. Landscape plays a pivotal role in the formation of human consciousness, as nature and the environment are the first elements to be perceived and learned by a human. In this regard it is necessary to apply to Spengler’s concept of nature according to which two types of nature can be distinguished. The first is nature unknown, terrifying, which is associated with the image of the Ancient World and considered to be a starting point of the becoming. The second is nature known, is associated with the image of the Modern Age and considered to be the end result of the becoming that is the being. The first type of the nature is a core of the artistic worldview (“idea” of a culture, according to Spengler); the second one is a core of the scientific worldview (“bone” of the culture). The first is the myth, the second is the fact.
Authors and Affiliations
А. А. Stepanova, V. V. Kalinichenko
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