The Impact of Strategic Logistic Decisions on the Competitiveness of an Enterprise
Journal Title: Studia Zarządzania i Finansów Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej w Poznaniu - Year 2017, Vol 12, Issue
The article presents the impact of strategic logistic decisions, particularly in the area of productivity and purchasing, on competitiveness. Four variants of production and purchasing strategies are analysed, depending on the centralization or decentralization of production and the source of supply (in low cost countries or locally). The author investigates how the production and purchasing strategy affects quality, costs and logistic services, and consequently competitiveness. A detailed analysis of this mechanism is presented for one strategy variant, in which global supply is combined with concentrated production. The author highlights the trade-off associated with the change in different types of costs for this strategy and the trade-off between costs, quality and the level of logistic services. Another factor that needs to be taken into account is the risk associated with changes in the business environment (e.g. fuel prices) and the way in which strategic production and purchasing decisions are linked with the company’s competitive strategy.
Authors and Affiliations
Beata Milewska
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