The Influence of Flexible Employment on the Commitment of Workers – the Employer Perspective

Journal Title: International Journal of Contemporary Management - Year 2012, Vol 11, Issue 1


This article is about commitment of flexible workers. It is based on our own question-naire investigation. The research took place in February and March 2011. It was carried out among 36 organizations which function in the area of the Silesia voivodeship. Four hypothe-sis were verified. First: “workers doing work within flexible forms of employment show smaller commitment then stable workers”; second: “organizations tie the a smaller weight to the commitment of flexible workers than stable workers”; third: “the form of employment exerts the influence on the level of the workers commitment”; fourth: “employment stability is the important factor supporting the commitment of the workers”. On the basis of the answers collected, we can affirm that at the studied organizations flexible workers commitment is as important as stable workers commitment. Respondents perceive the positive relationship between the period of work and the commitment level, and also attribute the various level of commitment to the different elastic forms of employment.

Authors and Affiliations

Małgorzata Król


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How To Cite

Małgorzata Król (2012). The Influence of Flexible Employment on the Commitment of Workers – the Employer Perspective. International Journal of Contemporary Management, 11(1), 161-170.