The influence of the Europe 2020 strategy on the cohesion policy of the European Union in the Financial Framework 2014-2020
Journal Title: Zarządzanie i Finanse - Year 0, Vol 14, Issue 1
Cohesion policy, which has been implemented since 1988, when it was enacted by the European Economic Community, has played an important role in the development of regions and in the increasing of European integration. This policy was modified several times. In the 2014-2020 period, the reformed cohesion policy will be a tool for attaining the main objective of the Europe 2020 strategy, i.e. smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Therefore, in the Financial Framework 2014-2020 cohesion policy received an allocation of 351.8 billion euro, which is 32.5% of the total expenditures from the EU budget. In the new financial perspective, cohesion policy will be addressed to all regions of the EU. The policy will be financed from Structural Funds (i.e. from the European Regional Development Fund and from the European Social Fund) as well as from the Cohesion Fund. Allocations from these Funds will be used for attaining the two objectives of this policy – Investment for Growth and Jobs and European Territorial Cooperation. The principal beneficiary of the aid from the Cohesion Fund will be Poland. In the 2014-2020 period, cohesion policy will be the main investment policy of the EU and its key tool for achieving the goals of the Europe 2020 strategy.
Authors and Affiliations
Dorota Czykier-Wierzba
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