The influence of the prosthetic restoration elements and orthodontic appliances on the appearance of artifacts in the results of magnetic resonance imaging
Journal Title: Prosthodontics - Year 2017, Vol 67, Issue 4
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is one of the most commonly used and widely available diagnostic method that allows soft tissue evaluation. During the test a strong magnetic field is generated and the tissues are magnetized. The magnetic field can affect the metals placed in the patient’s body, causing their displacement and the increase in the temperature of the metal object associated with the absorption of energy. In prosthetics, the MRI is usually used to evaluate the temporomandibular joints and morphology of the disc with its associated structures. The aim of the study was to analyse the published studies on the effect of prosthetic restorations and orthodontic appliances on the formation of artifacts in the MRI and the risks associated with the displacement of elements and the rise of their temperature under the influence of a constant magnetic field. The size of artifacts from metal objects in MR depends primarily on the intensity and heterogeneous of the magnetic field, as well as on the magnetic susceptibility of specific materials used to make prosthetic restorations or orthodontic appliances. The increasing use of magnetic resonance imaging for diagnostics in dentistry suggest new requirements for the compliance of dental materials. The dentist should acquire knowledge about possible sources of artifacts and use this information in the selection of prosthetic restorative material. In orthodontic treatment, the dentists should follow the PTO, PTS, and PTLR recommendations to minimize the risk of potential artifacts that affect the correct interpretation of MR images.
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Kochanek-Leśniewska, Maciej Trzaskowski, Karolina Sobczyk
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