The infratemporal fossa oncological surgery
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2008, Vol 62, Issue 4
Introduction. The infratemopral fossa pathology cases are very rare. They grow unnoticed for considerable period until there are some impairments of function of the anatomical structures of the place. Aim. The aim of the paper was to recollect the information about rare cases the pathological state of the area in common laryngological practice. Material and mehod. The study was carried out on three cases with tumors localizated in the infratemporal fossa, treated in Department of Otolaryngology of Military Clinical Hospital in Krakow (Poland) in the period from 2006 to 2008. The surgical treatment was preceded by precise picture diagnostic. The transzygomatiz approach were used in two cases. The buccal approach to maxilla in one case. Furthermore, in the last case the tumor expanded to parapharyngeal space which was explorated by parotido-cervical approach. The delayed post operative follow-up were carried out.
Authors and Affiliations
Elżbieta Nazim-Zygadło, Paweł Cenda, Maciej Modrzejewski, Andrzej Kozok
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