The Initial Pattern of Relationships in the Family as a Predictor of Mental Health
Journal Title: Lviv Clinical Bulletin - Year 2015, Vol 1, Issue 9
Introduction. Modernization of society, rapid and massive urbanization, overburdened societal demands, chronic shortages of time lead to an increase in the impact of stress factors on human health in general and on mental health, in particular. Studies have found that people capable of building close social relationships have less stress-related disorders and higher recovery potential after psychotraumatic situations and illnesses. The study of the illness factors in the relationships can be cunducted in the context of the mental health. Consequently, technology, social mobility, family structure change; prolonging the search period for a partner, increasing the age of marriage, waivers of formal legalization of relationships and procreation, non-prolonged relationships and low satisfaction rates. In addition, the character of interpersonal communication has recently changed: it acquires features of independence, remoteness, isolation, loneliness and loss of intimacy. Aim. To describe the primary models of family relationships as a predictor of mental health. Materials and methods. Content analysis, method of system and comparative analysis, bibliosemantic method of research of actual scientific researches concerning the primary models of family relations as a predictor of mental health were used. Results. The interest of science covers the origins of the relationships based on an attachment as a significant factor. If the patient in a search of support calls to a doctor and, in particular, to psychotherapist, it indicates the existence of a particular causative agent that enabled this man’s attachment system. The theory of attachment reflects only a part of the dynamics of personality formation, namely, one that has a decisive influence on the “building” of the relationships. If a patient in search of support seeks a doctor, and in particular a psychotherapist, this indicates the existence of a particular agent that has activated the attachment system of this person. Therefore, it is clear that the knowledge of various manifestations of such patterns of affection and preconditions for their occurrence is necessary for physicians of all specialties. This will increase the diagnostic care of the doctors to the repertoire of the factors of health and mental health including. With such knowledge it is easier to establish an effective compliance with the patient. At the same time, there is a possibility of fruitful application of the attachment postulates in the prevention of bodily and mental illness. Conclusions. The processing of the mentioned system provides an opportunity for the formation of new accents in psyсhoeducation and setting the effective compliance with the client.
Authors and Affiliations
A. Kihichak-Borshchevska
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