The main changes in the school system in the years 1998—2016 and their political context
Journal Title: Studia Politicae Universitatis Silesiensis - Year 2017, Vol 19, Issue
The article characterizes the main changes in the school system in the years 1998—2016 and their political context. The author focuses on the agenda of the reform which instituted junior secondary schools. It also concerns the new programme document which was released in 2008 (modernization of the school system reform). The last issue which the author focuses on is the school system reform carried out by the Law and Justice party. It involves abolishment of junior secondary schools, extension of the time of education in: primary school (up to 8 years), secondary school (up to 4 years), technical school (up to 5 years) and establishment of the first and second level of trade schools (instead of vocational schools).
Authors and Affiliations
Natalia Stępień-Lampa
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