The Main Indicators Used in the Analysis of Commodity Exchanges
Journal Title: Revista Romana de Statistica - Year 2013, Vol 61, Issue 3
In this paper are presented the main elements relating to the organisation of the capital market in our country. Thus, it is analyzed the system of Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB), at the Sibiu Monetary Financial and Commodities Exchange (SMFCE), the Central Depository, as well as that of the Bucharest Clearing House S.A. Also in the article are analyzed the main specific indicators of the Romanian capital market. Thus, I am legally analyze technical indices such as BET, BET-BK, BET-FI, BET-C.
Authors and Affiliations
Gabriela Victoria ANGHELACHE, Zoica DINCĂ (NICOLA), Cristina SACALĂ, Georgeta LIXANDRU (BARDAŞU)
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