The Model of Students’ Environmental Competence Formation in Pedagogical University

Journal Title: Science and Education a New Dimension - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 126


The main requirements for models in general had been revealed in the article. It was stated that the model is the result of modeling, the ideal example of this process, the achievement of its goal. We understand the modeling of the process of forming the environmental competence of students as the process of identifying typical tasks of future environmental and professional activity and their further transformation into educational and practical tasks. In the process of modeling, the logic construction had been fol- lowed on the basis of system integration of the content of environmental and vocational education components, and also taking into account the objective sequence of stages of personal and professional development of a specialist. It was grounded that the model of formation of the students’ environmental competence in a pedagogical university includes the target, content, technological and pro- ductive units, and is characterized by the availability to implement philosophical, methodological, professional-prognostic (acmeo- logical) and design-technological functions. The target unit includes the goals and objectives of forming the environmental compe- tence of students in the conditions of a pedagogical university, which are closely interrelated with the projected outcome of the pro- cess being studied. The content unit includes the content of the educational process and the successive stages of integration of envi- ronmental and vocational education. The technological unit includes didactic principles, forms, methods and technologies of stu- dents’ environmental competence formation. The result of the proposed model is the formed environmental competence of students in the conditions of a pedagogical university. It is stated that the main components of the model interact through feedback mecha- nisms.

Authors and Affiliations

S. Sovgira, N. Dushechkina


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How To Cite

S. Sovgira, N. Dushechkina (2017). The Model of Students’ Environmental Competence Formation in Pedagogical University. Science and Education a New Dimension, 0(126), 43-46.