The Personalist Vision of Marriage in the Context of its Contemporary Depreciatio


This paper presents the personalist vision of marriage referring mostly to Christian teaching on marriage and family. The post-modern society highlights a very critical assessment of the institution of marriage, supporting an individual rather than marital life. In such a situation the Catholic teaching on marriage, and ethos of marriage, is more and more challenged even by Christians, especially in the area of moral decision and life practice. In response to post-modern challenges, Christian personalism refers to the truth about the vocation of man to fulfil their humanity in corporality-determined sexuality. It is not only about anatomic differences but about a different manner of being man in many spheres. Christian reflection, unchangeable as to the assessment of the character of the relationship between a man and a woman, first and foremost refers to a thesis about both the distinctness and complementarity of sexes, embedded in the very human nature. Christian teaching identifies marital love only with the form of the commitment of the person who loves, in their own dynamics, to the good of the person loved. Complete love is directed towards a physical, mental and spiritual union with the loved person and develops from sensuality, through the mental and cultural sphere, to the spiritual domain. A Catholic apprehension of marriage does not question its natural character but defends it, and at the same time shows a radical change that takes place between a man and a woman through the sacramental virtue. Marriage is a deep union and covenant based on love rooted in God remaining the source of Love.

Authors and Affiliations

Magdalena Krępa


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  • EP ID EP452799
  • DOI 10.15633/pch.2565
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How To Cite

Magdalena Krępa (2018). The Personalist Vision of Marriage in the Context of its Contemporary Depreciatio. The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II, 8(2), 121-132.