The place of philosophy in the world educational space
Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 5
In this article were proved the functions of philosophy and its unquestionable importance for the development of modern society. The author shows the influence of philosophy on the educational system of the US, Canada, the UK, analyzes UNESCO’s attitude towards the philosophy and the influence of this international organization on the further development of philosophical outlook in the world. This article also includes analyses of different points of view for critical thinking and influences of philosophical education on the forming of complex skills which let us correctly solve a wide range of practical problems in any professional field. So, philosophical education is able to lay the foundation of personal critical thinking that is the main principle of people’s surviving in the modern changeable world. That is why philosophy is considered to be the foundation of higher education in such developed countries as The US, The UK and Germany. Today the main task of American higher education is to develop the student`s critical thinking and to form the ability of applying their knowledge in practice. The methodical basis of such education is pragmatism (William James`s philosophical theory). The value of philosophical disciplines was confirmed by UNESCO, which in 2002 introduced «Philosophy Day at UNESCO» and in 2005 declared about the creation of «World Philosophy Day». Thus philosophy plays an important role in the personal selfimprovement and influences on the development of all society.
Authors and Affiliations
T. V. Sobol, V. E. Turenko, N. V. Yarmolitzka
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