The principles of rational chemotherapy of bacterial infections in poultry


Growing levels of microbial resistance to chemotherapeutic agents pose a threat to public health and constitute a global problem. The above can be often attributed to improper and excessive use of antibacterial drugs in veterinary and human medicine, animal breeding, agriculture and industry. To address this problem, veterinary and human health practitioners, animal breeders and the public have to be made aware of the consequences and threats associated with the uncontrolled use of antibacterial preparations. In recent years, many countries have implemented programs for monitoring antibiotic resistance which provide valuable information about the applied antibiotics and the resistance of various bacterial species colonizing livestock, poultry and the environment. Special attention should be paid to the sources and transmission routes of antibiotic resistance. There are no easy solutions to this highly complex problem. The relevant measures should address multiple factors, beginning from rational and controlled use of chemotherapeutic agents in veterinary practice, to biosecurity in animal farms, food production hygiene, and sanitary and veterinary inspections in the food chain. The tissues of treated birds should not contain antibiotic residues upon slaughter. Rational use of antibiotics should minimize the risk of drug resistance and decrease treatment costs without compromising the efficacy of treatment. Therefore, the key principles of antibiotic therapy of bacterial infections in poultry should be the adequate selection and dosage of the administered drug, a sound knowledge of the drug’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties, as well as a knowledge of the differences between bacteriostatic and bactericidal drugs and between time-dependent and concentration-dependent drugs. There is an urgent need to revise the existing approach to the use of chemotherapeutic agents in the treatment of poultry diseases, and to increase the awareness that antibiotics cannot compensate for the failure to observe the fundamental principles of biosecurity in all stages of poultry farming.

Authors and Affiliations

B. Tykałowski, A. Koncicki


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  • EP ID EP295984
  • DOI 10.15421/nvlvet8709
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How To Cite

B. Tykałowski, A. Koncicki (2018). The principles of rational chemotherapy of bacterial infections in poultry. Науковий вісник Львівського національного університету ветеринарної медицини та біотехнологій імені С.З. Гжицького, 20(87), 45-49.