The Protoindustrialism of Ottoman Textile Manufacture by The Examples of Kayseri Court Records

Journal Title: Gazi Akademik Bakış - Year 2009, Vol 2, Issue 4


Textile industry was the first sector which comes in mind in manufacturing before the nineteenth century. The manufacturing of Ottoman is one of the eristic subjects which it hasn’t had a clear decision. It is thought that the manufacturers of Ottoman can’t realize transformation against the change of time and events, but this opinion is only a widespread prejudgement this article, The signs of protoindustrialism are tried to be propounded with some proofs that are got from the Kayseri court records at least for Kayseri.

Authors and Affiliations

Hüsnü Yücekaya


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How To Cite

Hüsnü Yücekaya (2009). The Protoindustrialism of Ottoman Textile Manufacture by The Examples of Kayseri Court Records. Gazi Akademik Bakış, 2(4), 87-92.