The Quantity and Course Of Paraumbilical Veins in Adults, and Their Topographic Relation with the Umbilical Vein (Ligamentum Teres Hepatis)
Journal Title: Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine - Year 2010, Vol 1, Issue 3
Aim The paraumbilical veins surrounding umbilical vein and running within falciform ligament is of the following three types: Burows veins, Sappeys superior and inferior group veins. Sappey’s veins are referred to as accessory portal veins. They form the connection between portal vein and systemic veins. Burows veins terminate in the middle third of umbilical veins and do not enter the intrahepatic portal system directly. Material and Methods In this study, the falciform ligament specimens from 20 adult cadavers were used to determine the number and course of paraumbilical veins and to expose its topographic relationship with umbilical vein. The falciform ligament separated into four quadrants and examined. Results Mean numbers of paraumbilical veins were found 6.65 ± 2.1 in microscopical examination. Conclusion In the relevant literature, there is a lack in studies about the quantity of paraumbilical veins and their topographic relation with the umbilical vein. Detailed information on quantitative parameters of paraumbilical veins may prove helpful in determining pathologies of paraumbilical veins and portalsystemic circulation.
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